Back at it again with all the EEPROM-related goofin’! I needed to order up a new batch of cartridges for Spider Web, the game I wrote for the Atari 2600. In the past, I had just used the standard Pixels Past cartridge but with hand soldered modifications to make it work for the EEPROM chips (such as the 28C64B) I’ve got on hand rather than standard EPROM chips (such as the 2732) it was made for. This time around, I figured it be better to whip up my own instead and support bank switching (with solder jumpers) to utilize the extra capacity I have to quickly route between the NTSC and PAL versions of the game. (or build some sort of multicart with up to 8x 4Kb roms?)
Additionally, I had trouble finding any Atari-specific resources out there for KiCad, my open-source electronics design tool of choice. This design should lay it out all nicely in case anyone would like to develop something a little more involved.
I might sell these a la carte on Tindie if I’ve got any extras, but no promises. Anywho, that’s pretty much all I’ve got to say on this one!