10-4, Good Buddy!

I know y’all have just been bugging my ear off begging for new music (…right?), so here ya go! Quit yer yapping and listen to this campfire ditty, why don’t ya!? Editor’s Notes: I’ve been sitting on this track for a good while now (this past April-ish). I couldn’t really figure out how to keep… Continue reading 10-4, Good Buddy!

Categorized as Muzak

¡Live at Bugghouse!

Peer into the lens of our first EVER live show at the Bugghouse down here in sunny Pensacola, Florida. I will definitely not be the one to say that we put on a “perfect” performance, but hey, you’ve got to start somewhere! Thanks a million Jon for capturing this on tape out of the blue… Continue reading ¡Live at Bugghouse!

Let’s Talk About Spider Web…

Figured I’d add a little context and show off the physical release for Spider Web for the Atari 2600. Sorry for the cruddy unscripted, single-take video! Sometimes, you’ve just got to make it happen. 😛

C64 EEPROM Adapter

Top Side of the Adapter Board

Recently got my hands on an old Commodore 64 with bad mask ROMs (kernal, basic, character, etc). Luckily, I’ve got a huge stash of AT28C64B EEPROMs from back when I was working on Atari cartridges! After some side-by-side comparisons with the original mask ROM pinouts (2364 & 2332), I decided it was best to create… Continue reading C64 EEPROM Adapter